Thursday, December 18, 2014

Blog Writing Prompt (5)

Drunk Driving:

  • Surprising facts or statistics: California was the first state to have drunk driving laws, and New York shortly followed, in 1910.

  • The extent of the problem: 

  • Important people or institutions involved:

  • Key schools of thought:

  • Common misconceptions:

  • Observations you've made:

  • Important trends:

  • Major controversies:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blog Writing Prompts (Pt. 2, 3, 4a & 4b)

Potential Research Topics/ What Ticks Me Off 
For & Against Arguments & Critical Thinking Questions

1. Cyber Bullying:

Cyber bullying ticks me off because some people can't stand up for themselves over a screen. People who bully in person usually have a conflict that they just want to solve. But when you confront some one over the internet or phone, they can't hear your tone and it usually makes the situation worse. Solving conflicts should just be done face to face over a conversation.

For: People can stand up to people over a screen instead of in person where they can be harmed.
Against: People will never learn to stand up for what they believe in properly, and they will take advantage of the screen being the messenger.

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. What steps can schools take to reduce cyber bullying? A- They can block social media websites in schools so they don't promote this from happening.
  2. Should lawmakers enact more regulations to punish cyberbullies? Why or why not? A- Yes because whether teenagers consider it real bullying or not, it is still harmful to others.
  3. Why do you think students engage in cyber bullying? A- Because it's easier to bully some one online than it is to do in person.
  4. How should schools and parents help students who are victims of cyber bullies? A- Parents should be supervising what their kids are doing online, and teachers should ask if there are any incidents online that the school should know about. 


2. Poverty:

Poverty ticks me off because most of the time, the 3rd world nations that are experiencing this poverty, can't get themselves out of it. Some nations use sweat shops to try and raise the nations GDP and unemployment rate, but this is unfair to the people working in them.

For: There is only room for improvement.
Against: The countries that are living in these third world countries, have a hard time moving out of the extreme poverty state that they are in, and moving forward.

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. What government programs are currently in place to reduce poverty? A- Institutions and businesses promise to give benefits that don't support poverty.
  2. Explain why, according to critics of increased government action, poverty in the U.S. is exaggerated. A- Government exaggerates poverty in the US to emphasize how bad it is.
  3. List three things that, according to proponents of more government action, would reduce poverty.  A- Opening factories in the US (not over seas), companies paying better wages and offering better benefits, and raising awareness.


3. Antisemitism:

Antisemitism ticks me off because it causes a lot of racist issues between races, nationalities and belief systems. These judgements are irrelevant and cause many global issues just because people want to make their opinion of others known.

For: We have the freedom of speech and people can say/think what they want.
Against: People take advantage of that power and use it to intentionally hurt others.

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. Why is racism so rife in the world? A- Because of history that has happened in the past.
  2. How should racial discrimination be addressed? A- Because it causes many issues of injustice. 
  3. Has the United States done enough to address the historical injustices to African Americans, Native Americans and other groups? If not, what needs to be done? A- America ITSELF can not be in charge of issues of injustice, but it's in the hands of the Americans. Depending on how the American government raises awareness and affects the society, this will contribute to stopping this issue, and America will heal morally. 


4. Drunk Driving:

Drunk driving ticks me off because it is horrible. It can not only kill the people who are driving drunk, but innocent bystanders who caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.This is unfair to both parties because it is something that can be so easily solved. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!

For: This can spread awareness to other people thinking about drinking and driving and knock some sense into them.
Against: It shouldn't take other peoples mistakes for you to realize what's right and wrong.

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. Should states adopt stricter penalties for drivers who refuse to take a BAC test? Why or why not? A- Yes because they are not just putting themselves in harm, but other innocent bystanders as well.
  2. Should laws be enacted that require ignition-interlock devices for all convicted drunk drivers, including first-time offenders? Why or why not? A- Yes because this is something that can be prevented so why would you not want to take precausions and be safe rather than sorry. This is even more imortant for first-time offenders because they need to know this is a serious problem and will not be tolerated.
  3. Do you think DUI checkpoints should be used more often and in more places? Explain. A- Yes. I do not think this is necessary all the time, but there should definitely be more check points on holidays because the cops should know people will be intoxicated and operating vechicals.
  4. Describe other measures you think could be implemented to reduce drunk driving. A- I think car doors or steering wheels should have pulse monitors that can detect when you are intoxicated. This can prevent drunk driving from happening, before you even start the car.


5. Drug Abuse:

Drug abuse ticks me off because people could die from it. If people abuse drugs that are being given out legally, there should be a better way to control how much people can get at one time... so they can't overdose. Sometimes people who abuse drugs are not the people the drugs are prescribed to, but they are sold it because the people it belongs to needs the money more than the medicine.

For: People can make money by selling things that they aren't making use of.
Against: It is illegal, unsafe, and can get both parties ( the seller and the buyer ) in trouble.

Essential Questions

1. Should recreational drugs be legalized?
 A- No because this can cause unneccesary addiction.
2. Should the international community end the war on drugs? A- Yes because it isn't necessary. There are more important global issues to worry about than incarserating people because of drugs. 
3. Should marijuana be legalized? A- If it's for medical use it should be because it can help them.
4. Should the U.S. legalize medical marijuana use in all states? A- Yes because this can help victims of illness experience less pain.
5. Should the U.S. end its war on drugs by decriminalizing and regulating drugs? A- Yes, but only to a certain extent. If you have an excessive amount then it shouldn't be aloud. If you have proof of a medical condition and you're in need of it, it should be allowed.



1. What have we been studying in class this year? A- Southern Gothic Literature, economics & domain names.
2. Which subjects appeal to me? A- When we learned about Edgar Allan Poe and his background.
3. What are people writing about? A- Flawed character and broken setting.
4. What's most interesting to me? A- The sociological meaning behind southern gothic.
5. Can I find information about that? A- Yes.

After reviewing all of these topics, I think that Drunk Driving is the topic I am going to talk about. This topic is most significant to me because this problem has cause the most deaths by car in history, and seems to keep getting worse. Something as simple as a text or phone call for someone to pick you up can save your life, and other lives around you as well.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Extra Credit Assignment

1. Why does the author, Nicholas Carr, feel like his mind is changing as a result of the Internet?

A- Carr feels that the internet is making him, and society as a whole, not as smart as they would be without the internet.

2. How does doing research today compare with doing research in a library in the old days, before the Internet? (I know you weren't around 20 years ago, but answer this based on what knowledge you have gathered about libraries in your lifetime).

A-Now people can just look up anything they want on the internet and everything is simpler. Research in the old days required more work.

3. How have Nicholas Carr's reading habits changed because of the Internet?

A- He doesn't read literature at the same level he did before the internet became popular.

4. How is reading online different than reading a long article or book? Is there a difference? Explain.

A- Reading on the internet is different because it is a modified version of something you'd read in an article.

5. Do you agree or disagree that our minds think like computers? Explain.

A- I agree that our minds think like computers because they are very fast pace and can hold a lot of knowledge but I also think it's situational, and depends on the person.

6. Do you agree or disagree that the computer "is subsuming most of our other intellectual technologies?"

A- I agree with this statement because I feel that people are taking advantage of technology, the internet specifically, and this is absorbing our intellectual knowledge.

7. Why do you think The New York Times changed its format? Do you think it was a good idea or a bad idea? Why?

A- I think the New York Times changed its format to keep up with the technological era and keep its audiences interested in reading, as opposed to reading it online.

8. What does Nicholas Carr mean by "knowledge work?"

A- Knowledge work is a job that requires the workers to be knowledgeable.

9. Do you agree or disagree that Google has been successful in its mission "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful?"

A- I agree with this statement because I feel that google is a very resourceful tool our generation has.

10. How does Google's mission compare with a library's mission in light of the fact that there is no fiction or nonfiction section on the Internet, but there is a fiction and a nonfiction section in a library, and that all the books are organized on the shelves in a library, but "scattered on the floor" of the Internet?

A- On the internet, you don't know if what you're reading is reliable or not, but in a library you know more of a back ground of what you're reading.

11. Do you think it would be a good thing if your own brain and intelligence were "supplemented, or even replaced, by an artificial intelligence?"

A- I do not think so because I feel that that is unnatural and technology should be a tool to help us, it should not MAKE us!

12. Do you think that the human brain is "just an outdated computer that needs a faster processor and a bigger hard drive?" Why or why not?

A- I do not think this is true because if humans created the concept of the internet, and designed how to use it... we're already one step ahead. I do feel that humans take advantage of this tool though.

13. What do you think about your own surfing habits, the links you click on and the pages you view, being an opportunity for "Google and other companies to collect information about you and to feed you advertisements?"

A- I feel like depending on what you search does have a reflection on who you are, but sometimes it doesn't. This is situational, are really depends on what you're using the internet for. (Ex: to look up tutorials may reflect someone personally, but to look up an article for homework may not.)

14. How does the above compare to reading a book? Do you agree or disagree that companies online, collecting data about us by what we click on and view, are using subversive tactics to discourage "leisurely reading," and "slow, concentrated thought?" Are you yourself driven to distraction while on the Web? How or how not?

A- I feel that companies purposely try to distract you or lore you towards their company on the internet by having pop-ups and advertisements.

15. Do you agree with Socrates that the development of writing led to people using the written word as a substitute for the knowledge they carried around in their heads? Why or why not?

A- I do not agree with this statement. I feel that the Socrates used writing as a tool and a way to communicate and unify critical thoughts that may benefit their society.

16. Do you think the Internet is doing the same thing? Why or why not? How or how not?

A-I feel that resourceful engines and social networking sites on the internet are, if you do not over use it.

17. How do your own reading habits compare to what Nicholas Carr describes in this article?

A-I like to read the news paper and magazines because I feel that the information from there is more reliable and truthful than what you might find on the internet.

18. So, do you think Google really is making us stupid? Why or why not? How or how not?

A- I do not think that google is making us stupid, I just think that it's making us lazy.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

"You Can Look It Up: The Wikipedia Story" Questions

  • The Mosaic browser did not give users the ability to edit the Web pages they were viewing. It turned Web surfers into passive consumers of published content.
  • They both are places you can go to read pieces of literature.
  • It was too confusing to operate.
  • It was very informative.
  • By providing me with information.
  • Having unreliable information.
  • It offered reliable sources.
  • Is the process of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers.
  • I think this isn't true and that's people shouldn't believe everything they see on the internet.
  • I do not think this is a good thing, because people rely on these sources.
  • Because a lot of people were looking for informative sources.
  • I think it was looking at Wikipedia in a bad way. 
  • Nothing.
  • I agree with this quote that when many people come together and cooperate with one another, it's easier to be successful.
  • With the best intentions of the community.
  • Because it has the largest collection of information on the web.
  • I agree because I find Wikipedia very helpful.
  • What does the author mean by “wiki-crack?”
  • Yes.
  • Yes depending on how well they are educated. 
  • I would want their back ground information on their education.
  • It would be helpful for all humans to understand human development in other parts of the world.
  • I agree.
  • Yes.
  • I do not agree.
  • Depends on what the paper was on.
  • No, because I don't want the responsibility of people depending on me.
  • Thursday, October 9, 2014

    5 Web Literacy Questions & Answers

    1) If you believe that all students should be Web literate, what is the best strategy for your school to prepare you with this skill? Explain.

    A) I believe that this 21st Century College Research class is a great way to experiment different strategies online.

    2) What skills should all teachers have to be Web literate? Explain.

    A) Being able to find reliable sources. This is a skill all teachers should have because they should be able to show their students the proper way to do the same.

    3) What role should school filtering play in your school district? Explain why schools should block or not block Web sites.

    A) I think schools should block social media websites because students will get easily distracted if they know they have access to non-educational sites.

    4) Do you believe the Internet is as big a transformer of culture as the printing press? Explain.

    A) Yes because it is very useful, just like the printing press is.

    5) If yes, what parts of our culture do you believe will be most affected? Explain.

    A) I believe that this helps educate my generation.

    Tuesday, September 9, 2014

    My First Entry

    My First Entry

    The subject I most enjoy reading about is Economics because I like to see what gets effected in the economy, due to what society thinks is worth spending money on. My favorite hobby is performing in musical theater because I've been doing it since I was four years old, and it gives me a chance to escape reality. I can look at the world in a different point of view depending on what type of role I'm playing. If I won the lottery, I would put some money aside to ensure my college finances. I would also donate money to charities that have to do with cancer research because I lost several family members from it, and I know it is a very popular disease in America in this generation, unfortunately. The type of volunteer activity I prefer is one that doesn't just benefit my own morals, but others as well. For an example, every year my family and I volunteer at the Special Olympics. This makes my family and I proud that we are helping others, yet it makes the contestants feel good knowing people are there supporting and encouraging their efforts. My favorite school subject has always been English because I enjoy writing. If I was in charge of the world, the first thing I would change would be to ban nuclear weapons, since they are the most powerful weapon made by mankind.